Welcome to the Cloud Wars Minute — your daily news and commentary show, hosted by Cloud Wars Founder Bob Evans. Each episode provides insights and perspectives around the “reimagination machine” that is Cloud.
In this Cloud Wars Minute, Bob explains that Bill McDermott, CEO, ServiceNow, has been promoted to Chairman, now holding both titles.
This Cloud Wars Minute is sponsored by Celonis, the market leader in process mining and execution management. Join the world’s top 2,000 process fanatics and learn to fix process inefficiencies at Celosphere, the company’s annual conference on November 9th and 10th in Munich, Germany.
00:42 — McDermott replaces Fred Luddy as Chairman. Luddy founded ServiceNow and will continue to serve on the board.
01:01 — ServiceNow is a very good – but different – company. It is not surrounded by competitors in the HCM, CRM, and ERP spaces. McDermott had to “make a huge transition” to ServiceNow and has done an amazing job. Bob believes this is a wonderful chapter in the Bill McDermott saga.
01:58 — In the three years McDermott has held the CEO title, he has enhanced the visibility of ServiceNow’s position beyond its traditional roots and proposed IT departments. McDermott has significantly expanded ServiceNow’s product portfolio, putting industry focus at a time when customers demand it.
02:17 — McDermott has opened up ServiceNow to deliver more solutions and products to C-suite members beyond CIOs. Under McDermott’s leadership over the past three years, ServiceNow’s market cap has tripled.
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