New proposals for vaccine management-the authorities der Spiegel


Currently, more than 100 organizations around the world cooperate with ServiceNow for vaccination management, including the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and the NHS in Scotland. But there are already many projects in this country. (Illustration: ServiceNow)

ServiceNow, a provider of digital workflows, is now providing organizations with its vaccine management management solutions to improve vaccine management.

“Vaccine distribution, management and monitoring are the biggest workflow challenges of our time,” said Bill McDermott, President and CEO of ServiceNow. “We are using the power of the Now platform to provide government agencies and other organizations around the world with the scale, speed, and flexibility they need. ServiceNow’s vaccine management management solves the last mile challenge to ensure people’s health and safety. “

Introduction of new solutions

Disconnected, manual, and outdated systems are one of the biggest obstacles to vaccination in the world. In order to solve these problems, the organization uses ServiceNow’s Now platform as the command center for vaccine management. ServiceNow’s new vaccine management solution is available now, providing organizations with out-of-the-box functionality, enabling employees to access key vaccine information, schedule appointments, and receive appointment notifications from vaccine suppliers.

Vaccine management is based on ServiceNow Customer Service Management (CSM), which provides a modern self-service experience on desktop and mobile devices. The solution connects patient communications with the vaccine inventory system so that organizations can easily notify patients when more vaccines are available, schedule appointments, and send reminders.

Accelerate the last mile

Although millions of people are vaccinated, organizations rely on legacy systems and processes that are not optimized to support large-scale peak usage. At the same time, the organization has not established a process to provide self-service functions and proactively arrange appointments that meet the requirements for effective vaccine management.

Using ServiceNow as the command center for vaccine management, an organization can connect all data and make work flow in its isolated legacy system, including scheduling, priority, and communication. Chris Pope, ServiceNow’s vice president of innovation, said that ServiceNow’s digital workflow will connect the company’s existing technological infrastructure and enable users to coordinate key elements of the vaccine management process through a dashboard.

This provides the following options, which include:

  • Vaccine distribution: Track vaccine shipments, manage inventory, and monitor inventory to help prioritize populations.
  • Vaccine management: Arrange vaccine administrators and support personnel, monitor personal protective equipment (PPE) and non-appearance, and record feedback. Employees can communicate with their vaccine suppliers through the channels of their choice.
  • Monitor vaccination results: monitor the safety of recipients, report incidents and support efforts to return to work safely, and ongoing public health surveillance.

Work flow to create a healthier future

ServiceNow’s vaccine management solutions are part of the company’s broader innovation efforts to help customers and organizations respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. ServiceNow’s emergency response application helps organizations with COVID-19 crisis management and has been downloaded by more than 1,800 customers worldwide. ServiceNow’s Safe Workplace Suite can help organizations assess workforce and workplace readiness as they strive to ensure that employees return to work safely in a new normal state. Safe Workplace Suite will continue to be updated every two months; to date, more than 900 organizations worldwide have downloaded these applications, with nearly 10,000 installations.

The company will roll out more solutions in the coming weeks to help organizations get vaccinated in the last mile. Stefan Fischer, the head of the German public sector at ServiceNow, explained that in Germany, there are already a large number of contacts and initial projects in the field of public administration. More information about these projects and the public administration information that ServiceNow will provide to the authorities in the near future.

The vaccine management management solution is now available in the ServiceNow store.

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