Published on October 5, 2021, 7:46 AM
What technologies has the organization implemented and used?
It depends on the type, size, maturity, and appetite of the industry…In short, it varies greatly. However, I think of some companies that we have supported, such as this company in the French construction industry, which relies heavily on public procurement and has established a shared service center due to automation, especially financial-related processes, and is now considering digitizing its human resources. . Another example is this very important player in the tourism industry in the process of switching all of its IS to the cloud. The reality is that in all the discussions we have, there is always a place in the organization where we will eventually complete a manual task, and employees will waste a lot of time on that task…
What is the most advanced department in today’s transformation?
Every industry has its particularities, but today all industries need to be transformed. Let us give only three examples. In the banking and financial industries, if historical participants want to survive, they must deal with the challenges posed by new entrants such as financial technology. The BtoC field, especially in the distribution field where consumer expectations are extremely high, now uses smartphone and tablet applications as the benchmark for customer relationships. The third example is that the public sector must limit its flexibility. The platform is now accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Covid has always been an accelerating factor for all companies that have not yet begun their digital transformation, and they do realize that it is vital to the sustainability of their activities.
And, what are the priorities of consulting your company?
They now have two main priorities. First: successfully coordinate and improve their historical system efficiency while limiting costs. The second real problem they face is how to quickly create value and measure it in a tangible way. At the same time, decision makers truly realize that their mission is not to do IT, but to focus on their work. It is wrong to think that success requires a technological explosion. Technology is not a magic wand! You must first think carefully about your organization, its transition, processes, etc. The idea is actually to support the company in their global transformation projects, at their own pace, over time, little by little, one process after another. What our platform will bring them to achieve their goals by helping them take the right shortcuts.
And, to be more specific?
Coverage and support may be very broad. Depending on the complexity of the subject being handled, the project may last from a few weeks to several months. Regardless of the nature of the project, the main pitfall to avoid is to only imagine its transformation from a tool point of view and want to redo what we have already done. In order to avoid this situation, we need to push from the highest level of companies up to Comex. Consider the business problem first, not the problems encountered by a particular department within the company. Don’t forget to change the entire supporting component. Finally, you must know how to challenge your vision with an external perspective and rely on the promoters of technology companies like ours.
Finally, for you, where is the “new frontier”?
For me, human interests are of the utmost importance. Especially the interior. It is necessary for employees to refocus on high value-added and meaningful tasks. The joy of getting back to work. Eliminate all boring aspects of work through the use of technology. This will give the company the opportunity to attract and retain the best talent. Just as today’s customers want to benefit from the best customer experience, the younger generation is also critical of the digital level of the organization. And, will choose those who can provide them with the best professional experience.
#Human #interests #utmost #importance #Echo
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