The following is a list of DevOps tool providers, along with a brief description of their offers.
HCL Software is a division of HCL Technologies (HCL) that operates its core software business. We develop, market, sell, and support over 30 product families in the areas of Customer Experience, Digital Solutions, Secure DevOps, Security and Automation. Our mission is to drive the real customer success of their IT investments through the relentless innovation of our software products.
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Atlassian offers tools such as Jira and Trello, which can be used to make project management easier and enable cross-functional collaboration. Its solutions help companies stay on track as they strive to deliver products. In addition to its offerings, it also believes that “good teamwork requires more than just great tools.” To that end, it promotes practices such as retrospective, DACI decision -making framework, defining clear roles and responsibilities, and developing goals and key outcomes (OKRs).
CircleCI is a seamless integration and delivery platform that allows teams to automate their delivery processes. It provides validation of change at every step of the process so developers have confidence in their code. It also offers flexibility through the ability to code in any language and use thousands of pre-built integrations.
CloudBees: CloudBees Suite builds on seamless integration and seamless delivery automation, adding a layer of management, visibility and insights needed to achieve optimum and control new risks. This automated software delivery system is becoming the most mission-critical business system in modern business.
Codefresh is a GitOps-based continuous delivery platform built using Argo. It offers benefits such as progressive delivery, traceability, integration with CI tools like Jenkins and GitHub Actions, and a universal dashboard for viewing software deliveries.
Digital.ai: The company’s Deploy product helps organizations automate and standardize complex, enterprise-scale application deployments in any environment-from mainframes and middleware to containers and the cloud. Accelerate deployments with increased reliability. Enable self-service deployment while maintaining management and control.
GitLab: GitLab allows Product, Development, QA, Security, and Operations teams to work together on the same project. GitLab’s built-in seamless integration and continuous deployment allows developers to easily monitor the progress of tests and build pipelines, then deploy with confidence in many environments-with minimal human interaction.
IBM: UrbanCode Deploy accelerates the delivery of software modification across any platform – from containers in the cloud to the mainframe in the data center. Manage build configurations and build infrastructures to scale. Release interdependent applications with pipelines, plan release events, orchestrate the simultaneous deployment of multiple applications. Improve DevOps performance with value stream analytics. Use as a stand-alone solution or integrate with other CI/CD tools such as Jenkins.
JFrogThe DevOps platform offers end-to-end software development management. DevOps teams can control the flow of their binaries from build to production. Its DevOps portfolio includes tools such as JFrog Artifactory for artifact management, JFrog XRay for security and compliance scanning, JFrog Distribution for software release, and more.
Micro Focus ALM Octane is an enterprise DevOps Agile management solution designed to ensure high quality app delivery. These include Agile tools for team collaboration, the ability to scale with enterprise Agile tools, and DevOps management.
Microsoft: Microsoft’s Azure DevOps Services solution is a set of DevOps tools designed to help teams work together to deliver high -quality solutions faster. The Azure Pipelines solution features for CI/CD initiatives; Azure Boards for planning and monitoring; Azure Artifacts for creating, hosting and sharing packages; Azure Repos for collaboration; and Azure Test Plans for testing and shipping.
Octopus Deploy: Octopus Deploy is an automated release management tool for modern developers and DevOps teams. Features include the ability to promote releases between environments, repeatable and reliable deployments, the ability to simplify the most complex application deployments, an intuitive and intuitive dashboard, and first-class platform support.
Opsera provides seamless adjustment of development pipelines to enable companies to deliver software faster, more securely, and smarter. Its offerings include automated toolchains, no code pipeline, and end to end visibility.
Planview’s Enterprise Agile Planning solution enables organizations to use and embrace Lean-Agile skills, measure Agile beyond teams, implement Agile Program Management, and better connect Agile team delivery strategy while continuously improving the flow of work and helps them work smarter and deliver faster. In Planview, select how you want to measure and when. We will help you modify and measure Agile in your terms and timeline.
Service Today allows companies to create DevOps to scale. Developers are able to continue to use the tools they want while still connecting to the ServiceNow platform. The company enables automation of administrative tasks, while bringing together both ops and dev teams.