All information about this enterprise cloud solution


ServiceNow is a cloud-based workflow automation platform. It enables companies to improve operational efficiency by simplifying and automating daily tasks.

Today’s IT department aims to achieve optimal efficiency. However, this is not an easy task. The old system is still in use and has greatly slowed its development. This article explains how ServiceNow was born in the ITSM industry and why it has become a mature enterprise cloud solution.

What is ServiceNow?

Since 2012, ServiceNow originated from ITSM (IT Service Management).However, with the development of technology and the emergence of the cloud, it has positioned it as Cross-departmental platform as a Enterprise Cloud Solution.

It supports ITSM and has been diversified into 5 main services. These include IT, security, HR service delivery, customer service and business applications. The cloud solution combines all these services into a registration system.

The main screen contains the following three elements:

  • Slogan: Include the ServiceNow logo in the upper left corner. On the right is the global search engine, Connectchat, help menu and settings.
  • Application browser: It includes a list of applications and business modules.
  • Content frame: It consists of different data formats, such as forms, lists, etc.

Existing offers on the website

ServiceNow processes and lists customer service requests. It has the ability to create a workflow that automates the data mining process, making it unique in today’s cloud space. The following are various offers:

IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service

IaaS provides Cloud Server The user is responsible for this.

PaaS: Platform as a Service

With PaaS, we can combine flexibility and simplicity.Flexible because it Can be adapted to the needs of the application. Very simple, because it does not require any maintenance on the operating system, version, or patch.

SaaS: Software as a Service

SaaS is a software distribution model in which third-party vendors host applications. No need to install and maintain software, Easily accessible via the Internet. Automatic updates reduce the workload of internal IT staff.

ServiceNow: How does it work?

Today, most cloud service products are in Old multi-tenant architecture Such as AWS, Azure, Salesforce, Oracle, etc. This architecture makes it possible to create a single instance and discard multiple clients.

This usually affects complex databases that require frequent maintenance, which usually results in customers being unable to use resources.That’s why ServiceNow uses a multi-instance architecture.

ServiceNow: Overview of its applications

In ServiceNow, employees have a self-service portal and can benefit from IT services by sending messages to employees in related departments. This space can promote the use of social media applications in the ITSM field.

Thank you Instant messaging, Employees can respond in real time. This can be seen as an improvement to the traditional messaging system, in which messages must be sent at the same time. This supports file sharing between departments.

Employees can Attach event file As part of the conversation. Therefore, technicians can directly find the root cause of the failure and process the request.

Apply to resolve security threats

When a security breach occurs, most companies face daunting tasks in solving the problem. Despite the establishment of a sophisticated security management mechanism for detecting threats, this situation still exists.

ServiceNow uses a structured workflow to help Determine the priority of the risk according to the severity of the risk And its impact on the organization. Using spreadsheets and manually processing threat studies usually takes up to 45 minutes. However, automated tools provide this information, reducing the time required to less than 20 seconds.

Commercial application

ServiceNow comes with a Drag and drop Allows you to customize professional applications without writing any code. Experienced developers can choose from reusable components, workflows, and use information from the cloud to connect barriers between services.

Personal Developer Example (PDI)

IDP is used ServiceNow feature overview. Developers, customers and even partners can use it. The reason for this instance is that it will not interfere with the production instance. Application ideas can be tested on PDI, but they will not be added to the application repository.

As long as there are regular activities, the instance can be retained. To be considered active, the application must be created or scripted within 14 days.

Create a personal developer instance (PDI)

To request an instance of an individual developer, the ServiceNow developer program provides you with a Fully functional instance, size For use by a single developer. Follow two steps, first log in to the developer site on

Second, go to the dashboard home page and click “Request Instance”. After successful registration, you will get a copy of the instance. You can click on the URL and log in with your credentials.

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