Digitization is the key to hybrid work


Posted at 4:42 PM, October 6, 2021Updated 4:44 PM, October 6, 2021

The confinement incident allows everyone to measure how much they miss the work environment… or not! Although some employees are happy to find the “real” ceremony on the coffee machine, over time, work habits seem to have changed. ” Telecommuting and Flexible office With the pandemic it becomes more natural. As reported by Institut Montaigne, six out of ten employees expect to be able to work from home part of the week. According to another study conducted by the National Association for Human Resources Development and BCG, human resource developers are ready. Most importantly, employees want to establish a smooth and personalized relationship with the company. pass through Digital uses are as simple as they are in their daily lives », confirm Olivier Pichon.

Risk one: more complicated

For multinational companies accustomed to unified management, due to the different health regulations in different regions, this complexity has every reason to be a headache. ” In the United States, it is almost mandatory or strongly recommended to go to the office for vaccination. In Italy, there are quite strict medical measures, including temperature measurement.France uses more declarative styles and adjusts them according to specific circumstances », description of Olivier Pichon. At the level of each workplace, a large amount of internal data that did not exist a few months ago is becoming commonplace and in the form of unrealistic spreadsheets: the employee presence list is regularly updated, and each employee plans to consider Manager, the density management in the company when an alarm occurs… to the chagrin of managers!

Digital tools to the rescue

Fortunately, who said “repetitive monitoring and reporting operations” said “because digital tools can be simplified”. For example, ServiceNow has integrated partner applications into the same suite to return to the workplace peacefully: employee readiness questionnaires, health monitoring, on-site health rule management, workplace safety dashboards… everything can be configured, Be able to flexibly change the rules and customize your own workflow in the new popular wave.

In addition to health management, centralized resumption of work process pass through The platform can also modernize the interaction between employers and employees.A sort of must In an era when employees expect their employers to provide practical daily tools and flexible workplace management, as Olivier Pichon explained:” We have developed a mobile application for employees to organize their work in a simple and fun way. Is it eight o’clock, and you have to go to the office tomorrow? Log in to the app, book a location, see if the colleague you want to work with is present, and schedule a meeting.Some HR questions can even be answered automatically According to this logic, ServiceNow recently acquired Lille startup Mapwize, an indoor map expert to promote mixed work and collaborative spaces.

Employees, customers like anyone else

As an ally of the post-Covid return, the digital HR platform can be seen more broadly as a one-stop service, in an ecosystem that no longer revolves around static workstations but around employees. The stakes are at stake: resources, locations, and people to help them plan tasks in real time, provide them with artificial intelligence tools to automate the most repetitive parts of their activities, and finally, measure and monitor their satisfaction. ” In the end, we can say that the customer relationship culture is gradually gaining an employee experience, and this concept has become a tool to change the way of daily work. », summary Olivier Pichon. Considering these new requirements, the latest version of the ServiceNow platform for employees is called RoA generation.A sort of It marks the way to a better work experience.

#Digitization #key #hybrid #work

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