Bengaluru: Deepak Padaki |EVP, head of strategy and M&A group, and chief risk officer at Infosys, left the company after three decades at the company. Padaki has joined Infosys as a software engineer in 1992, immediately after his engineering from the University of Mysore, and soon went on to manage telecommunications projects in the US and Canada.
An email sent to Infosys about Padaki’s release did not get a response until press time. Padaki has held M&A responsibility since 2008, except for a few moments in between, and has been instrumental in many M & Ass in recent years, including WongDoody, Brilliant BasicsSimplus, Fluido (Salesforce partner), and GuideVision (ServiceNow partner).
As part of the chairman’s office in 2013-14, he oversaw several organizational change initiatives. His team has been instrumental in Infosys ’strategic partnership with Stater, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Dutch lender. ABN Amro Bank. Padaki is a board member of Infosys subsidiaries Edgeverve and Panaya. He worked closely with the Infosys board’s strategy and risk committee. Under former CEO Vishal Sikka, he oversaw Infosys ’$ 500-million innovation fund.
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