Snow software Remote control instead of helicopter
When an administrator goes from one computer to another computer with installation media, the term “sneaker LAN” will be used. In the 1990s, the pressure for innovation increased when something similar had to be shipped to oil rigs.
Company on this topic
The market is a resource optimizer and innovator based on price and cost. An example: when remote work has not been established, the IT manager must be carried by the helicopter to carry and install the data carrier to distribute the software on the oil platform-this was the case in the late 1990s. In this mixed situation, Snow Software has developed a solution that can remotely install or manage programs. Due to problems with what has been installed and the available hardware, a software asset management area was also developed.
License management and cloud services
Snow is a Swedish company headquartered in Stockholm with a representative office in Stuttgart. Since 2010, the license management part has become more and more important, and the success of SaaS due to capital expenditure management issues, especially in the area of rental software here. Georg Brauckmann-Berger, Director of Snow Partner Organization for Europe, Middle East and Africa, has been responsible for Snow Software’s channel since 2015, and previously led the indirect sales of IBM Software Channel. The manager recalled: “It can be seen with certainty that three to four years ago, hardware was still the most important cost factor in IT, and software has now become the largest expenditure item. In this context, these problems have also become More and more important: What am I using? How do I use it? Do I use all the components of the software?” And: If individual components are ignored, is there a cheaper version of the software?
Price exploration
Brauckmann-Berger prepared an example: “For example, with the Office software package, the problem arises, to what extent does the user use other components besides Word-Excel, Powerpoint-and in this case, what kind of subscription model can be used? Profitable to a certain extent.” Another case study: In SAP, there are some contracts whose basic license metrics are for user rights. If the warehouse clerk who only makes document changes can also perform financial accounting or invoice input, it will cause unnecessary costs. According to the channel manager, in this case, Snow clarifies the assets I use and how to use them, thereby creating “visibility and manageability”, so decisions can be made based on facts to determine how the assets are suitable for me Existing contracts and the extent to which they can be optimized. “
This consideration includes not only the software and its use within the scope of the licensing indicators, but also increasingly involves the visibility of cloud services used in AWS, Google, Azure and Oracle environments. In the end, Snow has set its own task to remotely transmit data about hardware, software and services.
A special aspect is the interface with ITSM tools (such as ServiceNow) for service management. Brauckmann-Berger said: “Suppose a user calls and complains that his computer is not working. Snow Software provides the ServiceNow environment with data on the hardware used and the software available on the computer.” For example, whether the use of certain software will cause upgrade costs And it must be taken into account, and knowledge of the hardware used will play a role.
Product portfolio and partner program
The Snow Technology Intelligence Suite consists of several parts; the most important of which is the people who also play the greatest role in the channel: Snow License Manager includes regular license management. Snow Optimizer for SAP is designed for SAP applications, Snow Commander covers cloud management, and Snow Adoption Tracker creates visibility into usage. The SAP module is being developed in Germany.
The new global partnership program will begin on January 1, 2021. It is divided into three levels: certification, expert and elite, and considers sales, target achievement and training commitment in the classification.
(ID: 46990289)
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