ServiceNow analyst rating-Asia Now Resources (NOW)


In the past 3 months, 10 analysts have expressed their views on ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) stock. These analysts are usually employed by large Wall Street banks, and their task is to understand a company’s business in order to predict the stock trading situation in the coming year.

Bullish A bit bullish indifferent A little bearish Bearish
total score 4 5 1 0 0
Last 30 days 0 1 0 0 0
1 month ago 0 0 0 0 0
2 months ago 3 4 0 0 0
3 months ago 1 0 1 0 0

According to 10 analysts who provided price targets for the past 3 months and 12 months, the average target price for ServiceNow is $667.7, the highest is $784.00, and the lowest is $585.00.

Below is a summary of how these 10 analysts have evaluated ServiceNow in the past 3 months.The more the number of bullish ratings, the more positive the analyst’s view of the stock, and the more the number of bearish ratings, the more negative the analyst’s view of the stock

The average target price has increased by 8.25% in the past month.

Ratings come from analysts or experts in the banking and financial system who report on specific stocks or specific industries (usually once per stock per quarter). Analysts usually get information from company conference calls and meetings, financial statements, and conversations with key insiders to make decisions.

Some analysts will also provide forecasts on growth estimates, earnings, and income indicators to provide further guidance on stocks. Investors who use analyst ratings should be aware that this professional advice comes from humans and may go wrong.

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