ServiceNow and Accenture: Big things to happen


Technology consultant Accenture and software provider ServiceNow have established a new business unit to help companies in the private and public sectors carry out digital transformation.

After the pandemic, companies are under pressure to quickly adapt to a new environment that requires technological change. In particular, this involves the introduction of digital workflows, process automation and home office work.

“By strengthening our strategic alliance with ServiceNow, we will enable customers to adapt and accept changes faster. By switching to the cloud, customers can optimize their business processes, train employees and ensure greater sustainability in general” , Accenture CEO Julie Sweet (Julie Sweet) said.

This cooperation is very beneficial to both ServiceNow and Accenture. Because ServiceNow can expand its customer reach with the help of Accenture consultants, Accenture can obtain new and profitable customer orders. Both stocks are continuing recommendations from shareholders-investors keep their profits unchanged.

The author Emil Jusifov directly holds a position in the following financial instruments mentioned in the publication or related derivatives that can benefit from the price increase generated by the publication: ServiceNow, Accenture.

#ServiceNow #Accenture #Big #happen

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