ServiceNow and Celonis form a strategic partnership to redefine workflow | 2021-10-06 | Press release


The new solution will enable companies to accelerate digital innovation to help increase customer satisfaction, drive revenue growth, and improve cash flow and operating margins

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) and Celonis today announced the establishment of a strategic partnership to help companies maximize the impact and return on their digital transformation investments, which is a necessary condition for thriving in the new world of work. The partnership will combine ServiceNow’s leading low-code workflow platform with the real-time process execution capabilities of Celonis Execution Management System (EMS). ServiceNow also intends to make a financial investment in Celonis.

The two companies will jointly provide solutions to help customers identify and prioritize processes suitable for automation, and then create digital workflows to optimize these processes to achieve more seamless digital operations. Together, ServiceNow and Celonis will help customers gain a deeper understanding of how work moves across the enterprise, and apply these insights to accelerate digital innovation and predict how to improve work.

“As business leaders face life-and-death moments, profoundly developing business models and accelerating digital transformation, an explosion of innovation is underway,” said ServiceNow CEO Bill McDermott. “ServiceNow and Celonis are working together to help companies free their business from decades of process bottlenecks, integration challenges, and labor setbacks. The workflow revolution has arrived, and we are leading this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make everyone better. Work well.”

“We believe that the winners of digital innovation will be companies that apply data to all aspects of business execution,” said Alex Rinke, co-CEO and co-founder of Celonis. “This partnership with ServiceNow, the gold standard for global digital workflows, highlights the importance of data to the enterprise software revolution. We are building Celonis as the most innovative and trustworthy among every leader, team, and organization Partners, use data execution to transform and strengthen their business.”

“Celonis and ServiceNow are leaders in their respective fields, and we are very excited about the business process opportunities they will open together,” said Dr. Matthias Egelhaaf, Director of Digital Solutions at Siemens GBS. “At Siemens GBS, we are the pioneers in the application of Celonis. We have seen positive results in our process and we look forward to experiencing the benefits of ServiceNow and Celonis together.”

According to Gartner, the software market supporting hyper-automation will reach nearly $860 billion by 20251However, many companies do not maximize the value of their digital investments because they lack insights into how outdated processes can hinder business operations. To apply automation that really drives development, organizations need to understand how work flows between people, processes, and systems. ServiceNow and Celonis will help customers map these elements in real time and then build digital workflows to automate their work more effectively.

Customers will be able to quickly identify process bottlenecks and automate solutions to help increase customer satisfaction, drive revenue growth, and improve cash flow and operating profit margins. By integrating data execution, automation, machine learning, process mining, robotic process automation, and low-code application development on Now Platform and Celonis EMS, customers will gain the real-time insights needed to quickly and continuously improve their workflows.

The two companies plan to provide a joint solution in the first half of 2022.

ServiceNow and Celonis agreed in principle to form a strategic listing relationship, including mutual investment, joint development, marketing and sales. In addition, Celonis plans to adopt ServiceNow for IT and employee engagement. ServiceNow has used Celonis’ process mining capabilities to identify process constraints in internal finance and sales functions.

More information about the partnership can be found on the ServiceNow and Celonis blogs. The two companies will share more information about the partnership during the 2021 Celonis North American Tour on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at 10 am Pacific Time.

Use of forward-looking statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements & CloseCurlyDoubleQuote; expectations, beliefs, plans, and intentions regarding the establishment of a new strategic partnership between ServiceNow and Celonis. Such forward-looking statements include the expected investment and performance of the formation of this new partnership, as well as Statement of earnings. Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, and are based on potentially inaccurate assumptions that may cause actual results to differ materially from those expected or implied by the forward-looking statements. If any such risks or Uncertainty becomes reality, or any assumption proves to be incorrect, ServiceNow’s results may differ materially from the results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. ServiceNow does not undertake and does not intend to update forward-looking statements. It may lead to actual results. Factors that differ materially from the results in any forward-looking statement include: (i) delays and unexpected difficulties and expenses in implementing this partnership or providing solutions, and (ii) whether sales prove this partnership or these It is a reasonable investment of uncertainty. More information about factors that may affect ServiceNow’s financial and other results is contained in ServiceNow’s filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time.

About Celonius

Celonis helps organizations execute their data. Celonis executive management system is supported by its market-leading process mining core, providing corporate executives and users with a set of applications, developer studios and platform functions to eliminate billions of corporate inefficiencies and provide better customers Experience and reduce carbon emissions. Celonis has thousands of global customers, is headquartered in Munich, Germany and New York City, USA, and has 15 offices around the world.

About current service

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) is building a world of work to work better for people. Our cloud-based platform and solutions provide digital workflows to create excellent experiences and release productivity for employees and enterprises. For more information, please visit:

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1Gartner, Predictive Analytics: Supporting Hyper-Automation of Software, Global, Cathy Tornbohm, Fabrizio Biscotti, Rachel Chippendale, March 22, 2021.

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