Servicenow: Is it about sausage now? ()

At 10:52 pm on November 3, 2020, Servicenow shares will be listed on the New York local market at a price of $476. The company belongs to the “system software” section.

We analyzed the prospects of Servicenow based on 7 important categories. This share receives partial ratings for each category. In general, the results are classified as “buy”, “hold” or “sell”.

1. Analyst’s assessment: If the analyst’s long-term view is, Servicenow stock will be rated as a “buy.” In general, the following ratings can be used: 23 buy, 5 hold, and 0 sell. A qualified analysis can also be performed last month. There are 10 buy, 2 hold and 0 sell ratings. For us, this is equivalent to an overall assessment of “purchase” in the short term. Finally, the analyst’s target price is also interested in evaluating the overall share. The settlement price is US$481.56. This means that the future performance of the stock will reach 1.17%, because its current price is $476. This development led to the classification as “hold”. As an editorial team, we give the overall analyst a “buy” rating.

2. Fundamentals: We believe that Servicenow is underestimated compared to the industry average (software). This share is traded at a price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) of 137.3, so there is a 9% difference compared with the industry’s P/E of 150.06. This leads to a basic “buy” recommendation.

3. Emotions and buzz: the Internet can enhance or even change emotions. Based on the intensity of the discussion, that is, the number of verbal contributions in social media and the frequency and depth of emotional changes, a new assessment of the stock will be made. At Servicenow, we measured medium-level activity from the perspective of long-term discussion intensity and assigned a “hold” level to this signal. According to our measurements, there is almost no change in the rate of emotional change. Therefore, in the long run, we believe that the overall result is “hold”.

Should investors sell now? Is it worth joining Servicenow?

After the corona crisis, how will Servicenow continue to develop? Are your funds in this stock safe? The answers to these questions and why you must act immediately can be found in the current analysis of Servicenow shares.

#Servicenow #sausage

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