Servicenow: Is it really possible here? ()

The price of Servicenow on the New York Stock Exchange at 12:17 pm on September 19, 2021 is $651.03. The company is listed under “System Software”.

In our internal analysis, we evaluated Servicenow based on the 7 most important factors of current data. This results in a rating of “Buy”, “Hold” or “Sell”. Then, these seven different individual factors lead to a comprehensive overall assessment of the stock’s prospects.

1. Investors: Servicenow’s investor sentiment in social media discussion forums and opinion columns is generally particularly positive. This can be seen from the statements and opinions of the past two weeks, we have evaluated these for you in order to obtain another valuation factor for this stock. It turns out that the discussions in the past few days have focused on particularly positive topics, giving the title “Buy” an overall rating. Ultimately, this form of analysis has been enriched by particularly calculable trading signals from social media. There are 2 sell and 0 buy signals. Conversely, from this picture, a “sell” recommendation can be made at this stage. We believe that this will lead to an overall “buy” in investor sentiment.

2. Technical analysis: Servicenow’s 200-day line (GD200) is currently at US$542.41. This gives the stock a “buy” rating because the stock price closed at $651.03, thus forming a gap of +20.03%. Compared with the moving average rate of the past 50 days, this relationship is different. The current level of GD50 is 603.5 USD. For the Servicenow share, this again corresponds to a current difference of +7.88% and is therefore a “buy” signal. Therefore, the overall result based on the two periods is “buy.”

3. Analyst evaluation: Servicenow shares have been given the following ratings by analysts in the research department in the past 12 months: 28 buy, 1 hold, and 0 sell ratings. From this we derive the long-term classification of “buy”. It also provides last month’s qualified analysis. There are 1 buy, 0 hold, and 0 sell ratings. For us, in the short term, this corresponds to the overall assessment of “buy”. The target price for Servicenow stock is again an average of $641.56. Since the final closing price was $651.03, this resulted in an expected price development of -1.46%. This is related to the “hold” rating. Therefore, the analyst’s rating of Servicenow’s share is generally a “buy” evaluation result.

Should investors sell now? Or is it worth joining Servicenow?

After the corona crisis, how will Servicenow develop? Is your money safe on this stock? The answers to these questions and why you must act now can be found in the current analysis shared by Servicenow.


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