ServiceNow launches solutions to support return to face-to-face work


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To support organizations that plan to resume face-to-face events in the office, Current service Announce ServiceNow Safe Workplace. The package includes four applications and a panel that allows you to manage the main steps of returning employees to the workplace. These tools are already available.

“ServiceNow is helping companies manage the complex work processes needed to maintain employee health and workplace safety.” He said: “The ServiceNow Safe Workplace application and dashboard package is designed to enable everyone to return to the workplace. ” CEO Bill McDermott give ServiceNow.

According to the company, ServiceNow Safe Workplace aims to assess the readiness of employees and the physical space required to resume activities.

New application Employee readiness survey Help organizations measure whether their employees are willing to return to the workplace by asking and obtaining employees’ answers to a series of questions about their preparation and interest in returning to the workplace. Based on the response, the employer can define necessary and appropriate measures to ensure a smooth and safe return.

I o Employee health check Companies are allowed to inspect employees before entering the workplace to ensure they meet entry requirements, including temperature measurement and use of personal protective equipment (PPE). The app also provides a reporting dashboard to view trends in each space and record the return of employees to the workplace.

There are also two new applications focusing on environmental safety and hygiene.of Workplace safety management Allow building and administrative service managers to quickly set up clean, disinfected and socially spaced spaces. In the application, the manager can create shifts for employees to occupy these spaces within a specific period, and set a cleaning schedule at the end of each shift. Ready reports and dashboards allow real-time viewing of reserved space and usage restrictions on floors, buildings and factories. Administrators can also view all cleaning tasks in real time, including the complete history of audits performed.

of Workplace personal protective equipment inventory management Seek to help the organization manage and monitor the inventory of personal protective equipment to ensure the personal safety of employees. The app’s dashboard has a comprehensive view of each workspace’s inventory, as well as an overview of the entire site and historical data on how the number of devices has changed over time. The inventory level can be updated every day for accurate and real-time inventory management.

All the data collected by these apps is concentrated in one place on the “safe workplace dashboard.” “This panel is available for free and can visually display the data collected by these apps and will be covered by a map to aggregate public data about infection rates. This allows organizations to view the geographic distribution of infections and detailed information about the spatial location of these addresses There are signs that the company can open the door and keep it open based on the readiness of the workforce and workplace,” ServiceNow explained.

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