ServiceNow report on the impact of Covid-19 on the world of work


most (92%) Deli executives (Globally and in Europe) have stated that the pandemic forced their organizations Rethink the way you Europe83% of employees (87% worldwide) Declare that the company is capable Create a better way of working As a response to the could say so “Work Survey” 2 Current serviceA study Involved 9,000 executives and employees In multiple industries (including financial services, healthcare, telecommunications, manufacturing, and the public sector), Committed to responding to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic In the global working world, as well as opportunity Will create one A new wave of digital innovation. European business leaders and employees agree that technology can enable new ways to work faster, and digital transformation will accelerate innovation.

“Now, it is becoming clearer what the future of work is.”, He claimed Bill McDermottt, CEO of ServiceNow. “Digital workflow is the way of working in the 21st century. There is no turning back, because digital transformation will only accelerate. New ways of working will become the norm, and we are at the peak of an unprecedented wave of workflow and workplace innovation.”

At the European level 92% of Deli executives 86% of employees said their company has successfully adopted New way of working Faster than they thought. The Covid-19 pandemic has Reduce operating expenses by 90% In a European organization (88% overall), To create opportunities for investment in digital transformation, R&D, marketing and other growth plans.

In Europe, nearly half Administrative staff (47%) More than half Employees (55%) It is believed that the transition to the new normal will be more “difficult” than the initial shock of the pandemic. The fact that many companies have digital “deficiencies” makes this challenge even more complicated.of 94% of Deli executives He admitted that, in fact, he still uses gods Offline workflow, Including content related to document approval, security incident reports and technical support requests. Progress has been made, but after months of remote work, 61% of Deli executives with 62% of employees In all Europe State that the respective companies do not yet have a fully integrated system for managing digital workflows.

According to most European employees, due to emergency management, a new system has been developed and implemented New and better way of workingBut at the same time they are perceived fragile if New changes.of All executives with 94% of employees agree Advantages of working remotelyBut many express concern Probably like this It will affect future business.

of 52% of employees in Europe I believe their company will give More important to business continuity Regarding workplace safety.Surprisingly 37% of executives You think the same way.Even if the company has to work hard Consider safety firstMany people think it cannot be put All necessary steps are in place.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has forced companies across Europe to change at an unprecedented pace, and many companies even think it is impossible. There has been a lot of discussion about adapting to the new normal, but the fact is that for most companies, only the present and The constant changes that follow”He commented Filippo Giannelli, Manager of ServiceNow, Italy. “For European organizations, the crucial challenge will be to balance the need to maintain business continuity by meeting the individual needs of employees, and to ensure that they are all digitally compatible with all future changes. The key to establishing this balance is concentration. For the work that needs to be done digitally, no matter where it is.

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