Symantec Endpoint Point Management (Ultris) is now the rationale for integration

Symantec Endpoint Management (Ultrais) Service Note Integration In this video, Aaron Hudson of ITS Partners will demonstrate how you can leverage the strengths of your existing Altiris infrastructure within the service platform. As an endpoint management customer you have valuable resource data and the process is already defined that you want to take advantage of within the service. Our automation team has come to the rescue and created an integration project that is sure to maximize your skills and ROI by eliminating the need for swivel chair functions when working on both systems. This video will discuss: 1. What data can be pulled from Altairis and reflected on my service platform? 2. Can I take steps to provide automated software to those resources? 3. How can I make my servico technicians more efficient without unnecessary permission? 4. Can I see how the automation service works within the platform? The productivity of IT management is now more critical than ever. And this has been our specialty for the last 20+ years. Learn more:

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