By 2027, the project portfolio management (PPM) market will see amazing growth | Clarizen, ServiceNow, Inc.-BrianzaDonna September 15, 2021
2020 Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Market Area, Growth Opportunities, Major Suppliers – Ca Technologies, Changepoint, Clarizen, HPE, Microsoft, Oracle, Planview, Planisware, SAP, Servicenow, Software AG, Upland, Celoxis Technologies November 9, 2020
By 2026, the project portfolio management (PPM) market will flourish with major major players-Broadcom Changepoint Clarizen HPE Microsoft Oracle Planview Planisware SAP Servicenow Software AG Highland Celoxis Technologies-Philadelphia Daily November 4, 2020
CA Technologies, HPE, Changepoint, Clarizen, Microsoft, Mavenlink, Oracle, Lanisware, ServiceNow, SAP, Upland Software, Workfront, etc. – Head of PRnews October 27, 2020
The growth analysis and large-scale trends of the global cloud-based project portfolio management market in 2020 provided by Premium-Insight participants: -CA Technologies, HPE, Changepoint, Clarizen, Microsoft, Mavenlink, Oracle, Lanisware, ServiceNow, SAP, Upland Software, Workfront, other…, October 25, 2020
The current trends and technological enhancements of the project portfolio management market and top companies in 2020-2026 (Ca Technologies, Changepoint, Clarizen, HPE, Microsoft, Oracle, Planview, Planisware, SAP, Servicenow) – Eurowire October 25, 2020
Top 10 in the global Asia Pacific Project Portfolio Management (PPM) (COVID-19) market in 2020-26 Oracle, software companies, SAP SE, Microsoft, Broadcom, Clarizen, ServiceNow October 21, 2020