Cloud computing SaaS market growth forecast and analysis (2021-2030): Microsoft, Adobe, Salesforce October 4, 2021
Cloud Computing as a Service (PaaS) Platform Market Research CAGR 2021-28 Salesforce, Google, ServiceNow September 28, 2021
By 2028, the SaaS cloud computing market will grow substantially, with major players including Microsoft, Adobe, and Salesforce September 27, 2021
2021 Cloud Computing as a Service (PaaS) Platform Market Analysis Major Players-IBM Cloud, Oracle, Salesforce, Google, ServiceNow, Apache Stratos September 27, 2021
Cloud Computing Service Industry Impact and Recovery Analysis Report-Microsoft Corporation (USA), Virtustream, Inc. (USA), Oracle Corporation (USA) September 25, 2021
Cloud Computing Platform as a Service (PaaS) Market Report of Major Global Players-Cloud Computing Platform as a Service (PaaS) Cloudflare Windows Azure Salesforce IBM Cloud Apache Stratos Oracle OpenShift ServiceNow Google AWS SAP Plesk VMware Zoho Creator Red Hat-Philadelphia Daily November 16, 2020
2020/2021 National Defense and Homeland Cloud Computing “Progress and Best Practices” in the Government November 16, 2020