Good morning! Employees are drowning in a sea of apps. But bailing them out is a trickier challenge than it might seem.
Fight software bloat
1,200. That’s how many times, on average, an office worker switches between applications in a workday. Also surprisingly, the number of apps run by the average business has grown to 187, a huge jump from 77 in 2015. And some have many, many more. But despite growth in IT over the past seven years, worker productivity has slowed at a slow pace, according to federal data, prompting the question: What good is all this technology?
It is no wonder that companies are clogged with many potentially unnecessary applications. For decades, IT vendors have convinced businesses that any inefficiencies they may have can be solved by using yet another new program.
- The rise of software-as-a-service only exacerbated that problem, as it made it easier for companies to deploy new products, without going through IT gatekeepers.
- Add in the fact that most large corporations have acquired a passel of smaller companies, all with their own unique IT stack, as well as the pivot to remote work, which seems to require a whole new set of apps, and it’s easy to see how the portfolio is quickly disappearing.
Industry experts say, behind the scenes, that most tech portfolios within businesses are pieced together with duct tape. Not all software is snake oil. But many do not achieve success in isolation. Instead, the real value comes when different apps work together. That’s why companies like Oracle have long touted the potential cost savings that arise as a result of consolidating their suites.
- That’s more promise than reality, even for products purchased through the same vendor. This forces companies to seek expensive help from consultants and more software vendors to help integrate those disparate systems.
Those efforts were clearly unsuccessful. Users are still forced to switch between tons of different systems to get their jobs done. Basic tasks still require considerable human intervention. And businesses still can’t get immediate answers to basic questions like “How many employees do I have?”
- CEOs and technology leaders have few options. Once the software is deployed across the enterprise, it’s difficult to junk an app due to, among other factors, employee pushback. Even if the monthly bills add up, the ROI rarely justifies the cost. It’s easier to let things ride.
- And that’s why companies like Oracle and IBM continue to rake in the dough from outdated software. That is slowly changing as new options emerge. But even as those companies pivot to modern technology, many of those legacy systems are still running in the background.
- Part of the problem is also the dynamics of working in a corporation. If a department is given a budget for tech, it will be spent.
There’s a shift afoot in the world of business software that promises a fix. Instead of building software targeted at a specific function, providers are increasingly trying to build tools to manage the entire process. Instead of just procurement, for example, picture software that handles everything from procurement to logistics to payment.
- This is why marketing materials from the likes of Salesforce, ServiceNow, and Microsoft now hyperfocus on the concept of “workflows,” which means integrating widely used systems under one user interface. to try to stop the dreaded tab switching. It’s basically a Band-Aid for the underlying issue of app bloat that comes from the same vendors overselling customers on stuff they probably don’t need.
- There is also considerable investment in programs that can analyze information stored in multiple core systems across an enterprise, a trend that promises to let companies finally use the decades of data they have gathered for competitive advantage.
- And new vendors are building their core systems to plug in external resources more easily. A combination of Asana and Slack, for example, can make it easier for managers to track employee work without annoying app switching.
Software is an industry built on over-promising and under-delivering. But despite some horror stories, it’s clear that businesses that invest in the right technology early on can very quickly overtake rivals.
- As IT permeates the entire enterprise, leaders need to become smarter buyers, a difficult task as vendors continue to push new payment models and “categories” of must-have technology.
- A smart company is no longer one that just burns a bunch of money getting tons of shiny new applications. Increasingly, as programs become more advanced, it takes a very strategic approach to be successful — and with that, dedicated talent to support integrations. Alongside developers, for example, IT might consider hiring user experience experts to streamline work.
Tech leaders like to say we’re just at the beginning of a long journey to digital modernization. In that case, buckle up, because the road is bumpy. And given the software industry’s track record, sometimes customers may have to prepare pieces of it themselves.
Many business leaders aren’t sure where to start when it comes to moving to the cloud. To help organizations adapt to this revolution, Capital One launched Capital One Software, a new enterprise B2B software business focused on providing cloud and data management solutions.
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The best of Protocol
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AWS has a clear advantage in cloud enterprise marketplaces: It has the most customers — Donna Goodison
- Since its launch in 2012, AWS Marketplace has made a name for itself as the most mature cloud-apps marketplace among the Big Three providers — and many software vendors see it as an important part of their strategy going to the market. Its secret is “private offers,” which allow SaaS companies to negotiate custom licensing agreements, pricing, and payment schedules with customers without leaving Amazon’s marketplace.
Connecting crypto wallets is scary. Plaid wants to change that. — Tomio Geron
- Plaid’s latest product, which helps developers connect consumers’ crypto wallets to their apps, aims to make crypto more secure. But it also focuses on an ongoing debate about how crypto can be decentralized while meeting consumer needs for secure, easy-to-use apps.
Maryland’s digital ad tax shows how hard ‘easy’ policy can be — Ben Brody
- A Maryland court struck down the state’s first-in-the-nation tax on Big Tech’s digital ads. The decision could force some states looking at similar laws to go back to the drawing board, and shows how difficult it can be to regulate Big Tech, even with something as seemingly simple as taxes.
Salesforce SVP: The definition of ‘team’ is changing — Allison Levitsky
- The next phase of work is not just rethinking what it means to be in an office, but rethinking what it means to be on a team, said Kat Holmes, SVP of UX and design. of the product in Salesforce, in the Protocol. For some companies, being on a team doesn’t mean working on the same product, but rather being in the same space and finding “connections that can be made through the local community.”
Carbon removal has a funding gap. This nonprofit climate is trying to fill it. — Michelle Ma
- Major technology companies like Microsoft, Alphabet, and Salesforce are all-in on getting rid of carbon dioxide. Terraset, a nonprofit that emerged from stealth mode this week, is stepping up to help bring private philanthropy to the nascent field to bridge its funding gap.
Why security teams are losing faith in the term ‘zero trust’ — Kyle Alspach
- The cybersecurity term “zero trust” is mysterious, overused, and often misunderstood. When used correctly, experts agree it’s the best way to stop cyberattacks in their tracks. But vendors that give the title “zero trust” to every cybersecurity product they offer muddy the waters for security teams.
The flexibility of the cloud helps companies like Capital One unlock access to their data with performance that can be instantly scaled. But this flexibility and scale can also create a unique challenge for organizations and users unaccustomed to cloud optimization.
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Thoughts, questions, tips? Send them to our tips line, [email protected]. Enjoy your day, see you tomorrow.
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