The high cost of rapid antigen testing has led to an investigation by the competition regulator after it submitted nearly 4000 complaints a month.
The ACCC says it receives a large number of complaints about the price of COVID-19 checks and is investigating possible violations of consumer law.
Approximately 50 review vendors, including major retailers and pharmacy chains, have now been asked by the ACCC to explain their costs and pricing.
Retailers will also need to verify the claims they make to consumers about why they were charged such a high price.
Referrals were also made to the Australian Federal Police and to the Therapeutic Goods Administration after tips about alleged illegal resale and packet splitting, the ACCC said.
The consumer watchdog said it received nearly 3900 complaints between Dec. 25 and Jan. 26 – an average of 121 reports a day.
The majority of complaints were related to pharmacies-1309, or approximately 34 percent of complaints.
This is followed by 781 from petrol stations, or 20 per cent, and 764 from convenience stores, tobacco and supermarkets, another 20 per cent.

“Community concerns about sales practices for rapid antigen testing remain very high, for good reason,” said ACCC Chair Rod Sims.
“We are grateful to the consumers who took the time to pass on to us important information about what is happening in this market.
“These reports, and the public scrutiny, help keep prices at a lower level than others.”