Top 10 Global Systems Integrators Prioritize ServiceNow Talent, CEO Asserts

How does ServiceNow overcome the technology talent shortage across its partner ecosystem? Part of the answer includes ServiceNow customer demand influencing global system integrator hiring, training and talent resource reallocations.

An example: If you look at the top 10 global system integrators, ServiceNow is a top five technology partner for each of those businesses, CEO Inserted by Bill McDermott (pictured above).

“So while they [systems integrators] may have difficulty hiring to meet demand, we are getting exceptional resource allocation-not only as a top five technology partner, but because our budding pipeline and our growth are already very good [systems integrators] everyone wants more of that real estate, ” McDermott said in ServiceNow’s quarterly earnings call on January 27, 2022.

Dedicated ServiceNow Talent Pools

To get that ServiceNow real estate together with customers, Accenture, Deloitte and others have formed dedicated and extensive ServiceNow teams. Also M&A within and across the ServiceNow partner ecosystem has been strong.

Furthermore, the Top 10 global system integrators have “less interesting growth scenarios along with other partners, [so] they actually peel the headcount [from other business units] in favor of ServiceNow practice, ” McDermott sabi. “It’s happening all over the place.”

However, ServiceNow knows it must continue to invest in partner training – particularly university programs to meet demand, he said. “We are also working with our partners to sponsor and engage with local income diversity and nonprofits to target a diverse population for next-generation skill development, which will help alleviate those future labor shortages, ” McDermott added.

McDermott also recognized ServiceNow founder Fred Luddy for creating a platform that is a productivity tool for people. The platform, he insisted, makes it easy for “people to learn and thrive and grow on it. And now they see where we’re going. They know it’s a sensation of growth. And you know how it is: A rising tide all the boats– and everyone wants to ride on it. ”

ServiceNow Growth, Expansion from ITSM to Workflow Automation

ServiceNow’s latest financial results confirm that thesis. Total revenues were $ 1.6 billion in Q4 of 2021, up 29 percent from Q4 of 2020. The platform has emerged as a de facto standard for IT service management (ITSM) for 2000 global companies, and is also gaining this for workflow automation across cybersecurity, HR, finance and other use case departments.

Meanwhile, ServiceNow has also acquired as a co-managed services platform for mid-market MSPs.

Next up, the ServiceNow Knowledge 2022 conference seems to be scheduled for May in Orlando, Florida.

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