Were you at the biggest gathering of CX professionals in May?

NG Liv Croagh ON April 5, 2022 3 minute reading

Customer Show invites you to bring together your teams involved in the customer journey to be part of a shared mission. That mission: CX. Meaningful, consistent, unified, friction-free CX.

From customer service, marketing, digital, UX, loyalty, Employee X, e-commerce and payments. We know that every employee plays an important role in delivering the experience. As such, we think all tickets to The Customer Show are eligible. Here you can connect, learn and benchmark with over 50 speaker experts.

With over 30 percent of customers willing to change who they do business with just after a bad experience – now is the time for business leaders to take immediate action to improve the experience in every moment that matters.“said Jason Bradshaw.

Speaking at the event will be Jason Bradshaw, author of the bestselling book, It’s All About CEX and the former chief customer officer of Volkswagen. He will share his tips and techniques that modern marketers need to boost customer retention.

Bradshaw believes that having your IT, Digital and CX departments working together is critical for this overall success.

“Customers are our most important and valuable resource. If we invest in their experience and overall job happiness, Customer Experience and overall happiness will follow ”, said Lauren Reid, Manager for Member Experience at ESSSuper

Lauren dives into a variety of ways to manage change with new technology for contact centers and agents.

Lauren and Jason will be joined by CX and marketing leaders from ANZ, Allianz, Google, WooliesX, Simply Energy, Verve Super, Barwon Water and more.

The Customer Show exhibition was created as a platform for companies across Australia who is keen to meet the challenges and embrace future opportunities in the customer experience be it BFSI, Retail, Government, Telecommunication sectors.

Held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Center on May 4 and 5, 2022. The show will feature leading and most thoughtful sessions on Customer Engagement and Loyalty, Digital Experience, Employee Experience, Frontline Customer Service and Payments Experience. It promises to bring under one roof every leader who plays the largest to the smallest role in CX.

Customers are moving at such a fast pace now as if CX leaders are being forced to run this endless marathon just to keep up. This is the challenge and beauty of the Customer Experience space – and something we are doing to solve by bringing the community under one roof.”Said Show Director Mary Anne Ghobrial.

With ServiceNow and Inmoment contributing to the discussion on cross-collaboration with CX; Khoros investigates the importance of Contact Centers today; and Sprinklr depicting a new perspective for customer loyalty and retention, the event covers key industry trends and emerging opportunities.

To apply for your free guest ticket to the show, just visit: https://tickets.lup.com.au/customer-show-2022?cat=cat-registration&ref=MARKETINGMAG

#biggest #gathering #professionals #Source Link #Were you at the biggest gathering of CX professionals in May?

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