What are the barriers to attracting the best talent? How to solve?Future Workforce | Human Resources Vine


Author: Rosemary Smart, EX Solutions, ServiceNow

Times have changed. Whether it is a rapidly aging workforce or a lack of skilled talent, companies must work harder than ever to attract new talent. In an experience-oriented economy, providing employees with the right experience is critical to attracting and retaining them.

But where do you start? How does this process adapt to the broader business transformation work in the digital age?

Why the lack of a digital user journey

Onboarding allows new employees to experience the business for the first time, involving all key functions of the broader business, from human resources to facilities, finance and IT.

However, trying to coordinate all these different teams can result in slow, awkward, and disconnected processes—not to mention lack of personalization. Some employees may not hear any news from the company between signing the contract and starting work, which means a lot of paperwork and initial tasks on the first day.

This process can also be very messy, with countless logins and files everywhere.

Unfortunately, this usually does not improve after entry. Because employees are forced to master many different tools for different processes, it is difficult for them to do only what they need to do.

This is a real problem for companies. Multiple systems of record mean that documents may be inconsistent or incomplete. If employees don’t know where the tools are — or how to use them — they may not use them at all, making it difficult to monitor and control critical business tasks.

How to make the digital user journey better

So how can companies do better?

In terms of onboarding, design a system around your team-including new and existing members. You can also consider how to take advantage of the “before boarding” gap between job acceptance and start date.

Second, make full use of the manager. A large part of the onboarding experience is directly related to the efficiency of managers, so make sure to provide them with the tools they need to best support new employees.

After the onboarding is completed, consider integrating the business departments to provide a more seamless and comprehensive user journey. Where possible, personalization can have a real impact on the employee experience.

Viewing the success stories of consumer tools is also a good way to understand how employee tools work best. This, along with maximizing the adoption and utilization of internal relationships, should ensure the support of senior leadership.

Last but not least, use existing infrastructure as much as possible. No need to start from scratch, you may waste precious time and money.

Do the right business

Bristol-Myers Squibb is an example of a company that uses digital tools to change the employee experience.

By integrating different systems together, more than a dozen different teams across the enterprise have been able to benefit from a variety of new tools that make onboarding easy and effective.

Manager alerts enable leaders to keep abreast of team entry requirements, hire new employees at the right time, manage equipment request options, and more.

Optimized onboarding practices make the most of the “pre-employment gap” by personalizing the recruitment experience, connecting recruiters with the right people, integrating them into the culture, sharing benefits, vacation plans, and other resources. With tools that can help delegate onboarding training, managers can ensure that employees have the best experience when they start taking on new roles. Listen to them talk more about their journey.

User experience is everything

You only need to remember the pressure when you last started working, and you can remember how stressful it was at that time.

However, by using the right technology and processes to relieve some of the pressure, you can not only make the business process simpler, but also help new employees get better support and let them get started faster. You will soon see that they add value to the business.

More importantly, if you can use these same tools and processes to provide employees with a better daily user experience, even if the onboarding is over, you will definitely benefit from happier, more motivated, and more effective employees-for you Save time and money in the long run.

Rethink your work experience to improve the productivity and engagement of the mixed workforce.

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