Artificial intelligence and machine learning empower IT assets


ServiceNow confirms that the new technology will be able to optimize IT operations, thanks to Integrated operator (Artificial intelligence for IT operations).

Therefore, artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence will help companies improve the quality and availability of services by automating and improving the operation of the platform.

In Mexico, some companies use artificial intelligence in their operations; others are beginning to consider it in their business strategies.

ServiceNow explains the four uses of artificial intelligence in information technology asset management.

First use: hardware downtime prediction

Companies can use machine learning applications (Machine learning) Plan the retirement of key hardware assets more accurately.

Machine learning can more accurately predict the retirement date of a single hardware device. Most IT asset and configuration management tools (or integrated ITSM platforms) already store the data needed to train the model.

The second use of artificial intelligence: asset demand forecasting

The nature of demand is uncertain, therefore, managing asset inventory through traditional methods is not always suitable for enterprise-level organizations.

Therefore, IT managers can use machine learning technology to make monthly demand forecasts for each asset model.

The third use of artificial intelligence: software licensing reform

The expenditure of enterprises on enterprise software is gradually rising. Therefore, it is necessary to distribute licenses and audits to suppliers in a better way.

Machine learning tools can be useful because they can more accurately identify software usage patterns to optimize license allocation.

The fourth use of artificial intelligence: access optimization

Machine learning tools can effectively manage asset acquisition and save more costs.

For example, machine learning reduces hardware procurement costs by enabling smarter and more transparent procurement processes. Therefore, the acquired assets are organized by category, category, and model.

Therefore, IT teams can use the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence to handle the increasingly complex IT asset management.

ServiceNow makes the world of work better serve people. Its cloud platform and solutions provide digital workflows that can produce outstanding experiences and unleash the productivity of employees and the company.

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