Orlando, this is a new version of the ServiceNow platform


Orlando Is the latest version Platform now From Serve immediately, A company that actively provides solutions for digital workflows.

New version launched Smart now, A new set of analytics and artificial intelligence capabilities that will allow companies to gain new insights so that employees can work smarter and faster, simplify business decisions and achieve new levels of productivity.

The design goal of the solution is to help people work smarter and faster by automatically extracting contextual suggestions, predictions, and insights. This helps the team to take action and achieve a better self-service experience, thanks to every Virtual agents are always available in each channel so that customers and employees can quickly get what they need and take corresponding actions.

Through virtual agents that are fully integrated into the Now platform, customers and employees can also initiate workflows through dynamic conversations, generate results by automating requests and enabling solutions anytime, anywhere.

Finally, by providing transparency and consistency at all levels of the organization, and by providing valuable insights, real-time models, and trends for teams and process owners, the solution helps make increasingly information-based decisions.

“People-Antonio Rizzi, Senior Manager of Italian Solution Consulting Services said-should be able to work the way they like, not the way the software wants. The Orlando version introduces new AI and analytics capabilities that can help people be smarter and smarter. Work faster. This enhanced intelligence will help you make better decisions through insights and recommendations, allowing you to solve problems before they become business or customer problems. Now Intelligence in the Now platform provides smarter Workflow, which can provide an excellent experience and higher productivity.”

ServiceNow is a strategic partner for the digital transformation of many large companies around the world, including 80% of Fortune 500 organizations. These companies use the Now platform as their “platform platform” to simplify work, silos, and legacy systems through integration, as well as to digitize complex workflows and processes throughout the facility. Adobe, Deloitte, Equinix, Red Hat, Nutanix, UnitedLex, whyaye!, Acorio, Autotestpro, and Highmetric are examples of companies that use the Now platform to drive digital transformation.

#Orlando #version #ServiceNow #platform

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