How far is German industry moving towards digital transformation? A new study by ServiceNow and IDG Research highlights the current state of six different industries.
In the years before the corona crisis, the world of work has begun its digital transformation. Topics such as home office, remote work, digitization of work processes, flexibility of working relationships, collaborative tools, agile processes, and many other topics have been on the agenda of companies and IT managers for some time.
Photo: SFIO
The corona crisis and its stagnation have pushed the world of work into a digital future in just a few weeks. Whether it is from a management perspective or in terms of technical requirements, some managers suddenly realized something related to it. It ranges from equipping employees to new forms of collaboration and efficient work processes, to concepts for buildings and conference rooms.
The key to the workplace of the future is the IT infrastructure, which makes new concepts possible. How far have companies gone in the process of digital transformation? How do you flexibly adapt IT infrastructure and applications to the new framework conditions? How high is the percentage of companies that are even willing to say goodbye to the fixed office work model? To what extent does digital maturity depend on the industry?
Because of this crisis, there is a topic that resonates with all these issues that were not popular before mid-March 2020: resilience. How can an organization adapt to unforeseen changes without major losses? The blockade clearly shows that in a highly networked economy, almost all processes are more or less critical to business. And automation and agility are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary: It turns out that correct automation can lead to greater agility.
In the past few months, IDG Research Services has written a study “Transformation of Work” on behalf of ServiceNow. It provides an impressive snapshot of the digital transformation status of processes and workflows. A total of 525 business and IT managers from 525 companies from German-speaking countries were surveyed.
There are a total of six sectors participating: manufacturing, mechanical engineering/automotive, financial sector, ITC sector, logistics, trade, and health and pharmaceutical sectors. The six branches of industry provide interesting, very different, and sometimes surprising insights into the state of the German economy.
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