ServiceNow acquires Parlo-Automazione Plus


Published on May 8, 2018

Enterprise Action System Serve immediately Defines the acquisition I say, A Silicon Valley company that provides artificial intelligence electronic Natural Language Understanding (NLU)The transaction will be carried out in cash and is expected to take place in May.

Parlo’s algorithm is unique and can make the interaction with the machine smoother. This allows you to carry out activities in an easier, faster and more enjoyable way. NLU deals with a difficult area of ​​artificial intelligence: understanding the nuances of human language, which can be difficult for machines. NLU helps overcome this obstacle by transforming machines into more productive and conversational collaborators.

ServiceNow will add Parlo technology to the overall Service kit of Platform nowThe acquisition further confirms ServiceNow’s continued investment in artificial intelligence, enabling employees to perform more satisfying and meaningful tasks, thereby accelerating the achievement of business goals.

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#ServiceNow #acquires #ParloAutomazione

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