ServiceNow Announces “2020 Digital Work Transformation Outlook”


ServiceNow (NYSE:NOW), a leader in digital workflows, provides a better working environment. The company has announced its prospects for future digital work transformation, including 2020.

As the key managers of ServiceNow have seen, this outlook reflects the strategy of digital companies beyond 2020. Overall, it covers the common theme of how all companies should use technology to improve employee service, and the trends that companies struggling to recruit and retain talent will continue to focus on and invest in the future.

Robotization of personal assistants
ServiceNow’s chief innovation officer Dave Wright predicts that robots will replace personal assistants in the future. Next year, advances in natural language understanding (NLU) will enable companies to minimize human intervention in many business processes. AI-based chatbots are virtual personal assistants that can automatically perform administrative tasks such as booking business trips, scheduling meetings and managing to-do items. Companies that use chatbots to reduce these repetitive tasks can increase productivity.

artificial intelligence basis from service
Boaz Hecht, vice president of product management for the ServiceNow platform, predicts that artificial intelligence will further improve employee self-service. Intelligent systems will make it easier for employees to find information on their own, manage work processes, and participate more actively in starting or completing projects. It also uses machine learning to simplify the approval process, including grouping requests, automating standard approvals, and flagging exceptions. As employees’ reliance on the existing work environment decreases, self-service will shift to interactive and mobile interfaces, which are expected to be used on desktop, voice and other interfaces.

traditional Human Resourcesof replace agile(Agile) Human Resources
ServiceNow Digital Talent Experience Director Matt Parrish predicts that agile HR will replace traditional HR. As technology companies apply agile methodologies throughout the organization, it is likely that many companies will widely adopt the concept of agile human resources in 2020. The transition to agile human resources is a daunting task, but at the same time, it also brings significant results. In particular, the HR team can play a leading role in designing and digitizing employee workflows, thereby achieving more collaborative projects between employees. At first glance, collaboration, customer-centricity, and continuous improvement have nothing to do with the personnel department, but focusing on personnel in an environment designed for users can help organizations quickly recruit and retain more talent.

traditional business Silo Extinct
Pat Wadors, Chief Talent Officer of ServiceNow, predicts that traditional business silos will begin to disappear. In the next three to five years, improving employee experience will be the top priority for companies seeking to recruit and retain talent. However, if different organizations manage personnel regulations, skills and working environment separately, they cannot provide an improved working environment for employees. Therefore, it is expected to merge the existing silo-based HR, IT and facility management organizations into one organization called Employee Experience Office. Measuring manager performance will also be very important. The manager’s level of participation, management mode, number of one-on-one meetings with employees and number of visits to long-distance workers will be linked and recorded in the digital system. As managers acquire metrics that keep them improving, organizations can recruit better employees and increase their tenure.

group mine artificial intelligence use by the way on strategy need
Blake McConnell, senior vice president of employee workflow products at ServiceNow, predicts that as the impact of AI work grows, a strategy for how to use AI within the organization will be required. As AI-based applications and tools take on more work, organizations will have to invest in improving tools, retraining employees, and rethinking job skills. Concerns about how to bridge the generational separation between employees who want to work face-to-face and digitally-native employees will also increase.

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