At the beginning of September, just like every semester, ServiceNow released a new version of Now Platform. Like every new version, it changes alphabetically with the name of the city as the first letter. After Madrid, it was New York’s turn, and before the next Orlando and Paris.
Sequel to the following article
In addition to the name of the city that never sleeps (as Now Platform will tell the editor), we noticed that this version reflects several major evolutions in ServiceNow.
Mobile now: ServiceNow (and more business lines) that is getting more and more mobile
The first is that the use of B2B has definitely become a mobile device.
Matthieu de Montvallon, Director of Solution Consulting of ServiceNow France, recalled: “We have completely changed the way of moving in Madrid.” At the same time as the overall overhaul, it also launched the first native application specifically for operators. “With New York, we will release new applications specifically for employees and users.”
“We know how to do everything for our employees, and we put it in this app. And on the phone.”
Mathieu De MontvalonServiceNow France
Through this business application, the ITSM expert confirmed that he can now target almost all areas of operations (even if he has not yet done so). “along with Move now, I have a catalog online. I can approve the collaborator’s expense report. “I visit my virtual agent,” the French manager said. “Everything we do for our employees, we have installed this application. And on mobile devices.”
The first app-used in the background-was renamed during the pass Acting now. Now, Mobile is a front-end application. Matthieu de Montvallon concluded: “We divide the world of liquidity in two.”
More and more “low code, no code” ServiceNow
It is good to have an application. It is even better to be able to develop it. Especially when you are a business expert without specific coding skills.
ServiceNow understands this very well and has already started “low code”. “But we have received feedback from business users who want us to provide more help.”The number of hours in New York’s “clockless” time (or Matthieu de Montvallon also known as “zero code”) has been reached Guided app creator (Assistant creator of the application).
This feature comes from the acquisition of SkyGiraffe-like all publisher acquisitions, it took several months to be completely redesigned to be integrated into the ServiceNow platform (internally the term “re-platform”).
The manager concluded: “Guided App Creator is a unified and simpler way to create apps…movable or not”. “This is a very simple low code coverage, it relies on the assistant to ask the question: do you want to do this or that? Do you want to import your own excel worksheet and make its tabs look like workflows, etc?
We cannot do more “business-oriented” things.
And on the way to sound
Another important lesson from New York is the emergence of semantic understanding. So far, ServiceNow’s virtual assistants have been dealing with “pre-connected” conversations and written in another language: a fairly rigid conversation tree (although sufficient for many processes).
Matthieu de Montvallon reports: “Everyone asks us about the integration of natural language.” Here, the publisher once again responded to this very professional request through the acquisition: Parlot’s request.
Unlike robots that process through closed questions and answers, Parlot is an NLU engine that provides an intention model, that is, a model that derives intentions from sentences. Understandable and activatable elements. “For example, if you write “I don’t have a salary this month”, the assistant will create a salary management case,” Matthieu de Montvallon cites.
In New York, ServiceNow delivered several turnkey standard models for the industries covered in its history (employee management, customer management, IT management). However, if not the most important, it also provides the ability to train this NLU for companies that use Now Platform to build their own operational applications.
“Our model engine is open. It is in this way that customers can build new learning models with lower code.”
Mathieu De MontvalonServiceNow France
Again, the desire of publishers to expand their footprint has not been more reflected.
« [Dans ces cas de développements sur mesure], Obviously we will not have a standard NLU engine. But our model engine is open, just to enable customers to build their own, and build this new learning model with low code,” the manager concluded.
Currently, this NLU is only available in English, but plans to provide a French version in the next version (Orlando or Paris). The icing on the cake is that thanks to the integration with Siri, the NLU engine can now benefit from iOS’s “speech to text”.
“Siri then acts as the input of the virtual assistant. If I tell the immediate service assistant: “I am too hot”; Siri will transcribe the words, but our NLU will extract the information. That is, there is a problem with the temperature, so there is an air conditioning problem, so it is necessary Contact the general service department.
Voice commands have not been widely used in France, but in the United States, the demand for voice commands seems to be increasing (for example, Oracle’s strategy has confirmed this), especially among the younger generation. This shows that they will also join the French company soon.
Another novelty from New York confirms that ServiceNow is no longer (only) an ITSM player, but a generic overlay on top of BPM, without giving its name.
The workspace is an interface that centralizes all the elements needed for the agent’s work. Matthieu de Montvallon emphasized: “This is not a dashboard, nor is it a service weather forecast.” “This is an interface that mixes lists, forms and different objects, covering all aspects of the business. […] Take action and trigger action”.
ServiceNow already has a workspace operator for IT and another workspace operator for customer service management. He came out again-should logically continue in that direction.
The most interesting part of the future publisher diversification is of course the “supplier workspace”, which begins to move around the land of Ariba, Coupa or Ivalua.
“The supplier is [notre] platform. We have a supplier performance management application, a supplier risk management application, etc.Now all these are combined into one Workspace Manage suppliers from a single interface”.
ServiceNow also released the “Workspace Service” to manage various business services (for example, re-invoicing, human resources, etc.) with the same tool consolidation concept.
To be sure, this new workspace concept-the core of the conquering strategy of service now-will also be the center of the French “Work Now” event to be held in the French Parliament on October 31. . The imposing room also fully illustrated the dynamics of Service Now in the country.