ServiceNow Launches Telecom Order Management Tool


ServiceNow has launched the latest version of its cloud-based Now platform, which includes a new order management tool for telecommunications suppliers that will help suppliers surpass their foundation as a facilitator of service management and network performance management.

The now-launched version of Now Platform Quebec includes Telecom Order Management, a tool based on the TM Forum’s open API, designed to simplify the ordering process by automating the workflow from order scheduling to fulfillment. The new order management system was designed with the help of managed service provider TPX Communications and other ServiceNow service provider partners, and TPX Communications is also deploying the system. Deutsche Telekom recently completed a proof-of-concept test of its order management solution.

Chris Bauschka, vice president and general manager of telecommunications for ServiceNow, told FierceTelecom that the company is seeking to help solve the long-term challenges faced by service providers because their order management process is not integrated with their service assurance capabilities, leaving them with no visibility into the order status Or the health and performance status of the newly delivered service.

“There is a disconnect between service provision and service assurance,” he said. “These systems usually provide different worldviews, and they don’t work well together. We are connecting these worlds together. This is the ability to see the order in the flight to when the service appears in real time throughout the process.”

Bauschka said that ServiceNow has built a complete software stack that provides a full range of order management functions through an automated, catalog-driven workflow, linking order breakdown, order changes, and related aspects of the process to order fulfillment. He said that the TMF API allows better integration of order management and service assurance tools, providing suppliers with a more streamlined and lower operating cost order management method.

Related: ServiceNow has ambitious ambitions in telecommunications

Order management in the telecommunications industry has expanded ServiceNow from its traditional service guarantee base to new areas of service ordering and supply. This is not surprising. The company has grown rapidly through acquisitions over the years and expanded its capabilities in various industries.

However, Bauschka said the company still sees itself as a complement to other operational support system promoters. “Companies don’t usually cross these areas, but we don’t want to serve everyone. We are a supplement to the OSS side and do not touch the Internet. As a single service stack provider, we are becoming more and more important.”

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