Servicenow: What does this mean for the course? ()

At 3:08 a.m. on June 2, 2021, Servicenow’s stock will be listed on its New York home market at a price of US$473.88. The company belongs to the “system software” sector.

We analyzed Servicenow’s prospects based on 7 important categories. Shares receive partial ratings for each category. In general, the results are classified as “buy”, “hold” or “sell”.

1. Analyst evaluation: In the total of 27 analyst ratings on Servicenow stock in the past twelve months, 24 are “buy”, 3 are “hold”, and 0 are “sell”. This means that the average rating of the security is “Buy.” This will happen in the short term: an estimate of 3 buys, 1 hold, and 0 sells within a month. However, this means that the stock will be valued as a “buy” at the end of the day. According to the given price target, the average is 604.91 USD. This means that the stock may be up 27.65% from its last closing price ($473.88). The resulting recommendation is “buy.” In short, Servicenow received an analyst’s “Buy” rating.

2. Sentiment and buzz: The analysis of the rate of change in sentiment and the intensity of discussion shows the following chart: There has been no obvious trend in investor sentiment in the past month. Therefore, we refer to this as “holding”. Let’s look at the intensity of the discussion last month. This shows that a stock will receive a lot of attention or little attention. Investors did not discuss the company more or less than usual. This leads to a “hold” rating. This gives Servicenow stock a “hold” rating.

3. Fundamentals: In our opinion, Servicenow is overestimated compared to the industry average (software). The stock trades at a price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) of 488.68, so there is a 218% difference compared to the industry P/E of 153.6. This leads to a “sell” recommendation based on fundamentals.

Should investors sell now? Or is it worth joining Servicenow?

After the corona crisis, how will Servicenow develop? Is your money safe on this stock? The answers to these questions and why you must act now can be found in the current analysis shared by Servicenow.


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