Cisco and ServiceNow join forces to bring contact tracking to the workplace


Cisco and ServiceNow announced a new collaboration on Thursday to track contacts in the fight against Covid-19. Contact tracing is considered to be one of the most effective ways to slow the spread of infectious diseases and mitigate the long-term effects of the current pandemic.

Slow down the spread of the virus

With this in mind, the two companies announced the integration of Cisco’s internal location services platform DNA Spaces with a contact tracking application developed by ServiceNow.

The two companies said that this combination will help organizations better understand the level of employee interaction and enable them to take more direct and smarter actions when the test results are satisfactory.

“This partnership will enable our mutual customers to seamlessly import proximity report data into ServiceNow’s case management tools, thereby adding reliable employee location data to ServiceNow’s Safe Workplace workflow. Cisco said in a blog. “With this integration, companies can make more informed decisions to slow the spread of the virus. “

Safe workplace

The DNA Spaces platform is part of Cisco’s network segmentation product portfolio. It includes the brand’s wireless and company location technology. In the context of contact tracking, the platform provides companies with location-based data and analysis, how people and things move in offices or other buildings, and the ability to act on them. Real-time information.

At the same time, ServiceNow’s “Safe Workplace” suite is designed to provide companies with tools to return employees to their workplaces when the company reopens, monitor health and manage personal protective equipment lists. In the specific context of the Covid-19 pandemic, its office locations and hours.

The “Safe Workplace” dashboard provides a visualization of the data collected by the application and a map that provides aggregated public data on infection rates.


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